Update about Rick and Nancy’s travel blog – 2/26/2023

I had a technical issue with our travel blog and, as a result, I have been making multiple updates. Just wanted to send this in case anyone is getting any kind of updates and wondering what’s going on. I should be done within a day or two.

We are back from our recent trip to the South Pacific….not sure when the next “blog worthy” trip will be. But we have a couple places in mind for a trip late this year or early next year.

IMPORTANT REMINDER TO ANYONE THAT READS OUR BLOG:  we highly recommend you view blog postings on our actual website (rickandnancyadventures.com) and not via email notifications. The overall picture quality is much better when viewing via our website. Click on the “blue” subject line, and it will take you directly there, or type it into your browser and go directly to the website. Just let me know if you have any problem.

All the best,  Rick