Oct 3, 2019 – Boston
Yesterday evening, we decided we needed to move to another campground. We cannot get any satellite reception and they don’t have cable or internet. Nancy found us a highly rated Good Sam park just a little north of here. So she called and got the last spot available for a big rig. We got lucky…..this is a very popular time of year for camping and we’re supposed to have beautiful weather. Thank goodness we got another spot. We left this morning, and we were in our new site at CG Farm Campground by 1pm. After we got setup, I worked on some things here while she went shopping for some clothes. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Nancy is meeting some girlfriends in Boston this weekend and she now feels like she doesn’t have anything appropriate to wear. So she went shopping, while I DID NOT!
For the first time in nearly two months, every function and feature of Dish Network TV is working! Hallelujah! Hopefully we will not have any more issues now that we are getting further south.
Nancy is really excited about seeing her girlfriends this weekend. Fall is here and the leaves here are starting to change. We’re hoping by the time we get to Virginia and NC next week, the leaves will be close to peak fall color. Hope so….
Our spot at CG Farm Campground its very nice
Nancy saw this fox trotting through the campground on her walk…..she didn’t have time to focus her iPhone