A great hiking day!

August 27, 2019 – Halifax

It was was a cool (mid 60’s) and cloudy day……perfect for hiking!  I was going to present Nancy’s hiking stick to her this morning but I wanted to put one more coat of polyurethane on it. I’ll wait and give it to her tomorrow.  Too bad because we took some nice hikes today.

Later in the morning, we headed to the Herring Cove trail, a spectacular hike that runs along the coast and requires a lot of rock climbing. Frisco came with us and I have to say by the time she got back from all of the rock climbing, she was exhausted…..for about 5 minutes! We also got some great pictures here!

Next we drove to the York Redoubt National Historic site and trail, which was an easier flat trail in the woods. We met a very nice older man that grew up in Cape Breton, NS……he used to work in the coal mines there. He told us about visiting Monticello, Thomas Jeffersons home outside Charlottesville, Va. On the way home, we stopped and walked around the Regatta Point Walkway, a beautiful manmade trail that runs around a lake and marina area close to Halifax.  All together, we hiked about 5 miles today.  Although the weather was mostly cloudy, it never rained.

Not sure how this pile of rocks got here since there is no way any kind of machine was here!

This evening Nancy made a new and fantastic dinner….some kind sausage, tomato, and zucchini stuffed in a zucchini shell, with fresh picked and chopped, roasted beets. It was delicious!

Until tomorrow……