August 24, 2019 – Halifax
When we got up, I was glad to hear that Nancy (a.k.a. the energizer bunny) felt like she had made a full recovery. A restful evening and a good nights sleep seemed to be just what the doctor ordered. We also woke up to a clear blue sky! And I felt ready to go. But neither of us would stay “feeling good”, and the sky would not stay blue, past early afternoon…….
As mentioned yesterday, Alice has another water leak. So first thing this morning, I emptied the basement, removed some access panels, crawled under the bathroom floor area, and found my way to the shower drain and a lot of other plumbing connections. Nancy turned on the water at each faucet and let the water run for a while, and repeated at each faucet/drain. I was hoping it was the shower drain. But there was no leak in or around the shower drain, or any of the other plumbing connections in the area. So next, I removed some of the screws holding the underpinning underneath Alice on one side, removed the wet insulation, wiped up any remaining water with a towel, and then had Nancy repeat the process of running water at each drain while I watched for signs of water leaks. Again, nothing. One other possibility is that it somehow water is leaking in and draining to Alice’s belly when it rains. Now that the area underneath area is dry, and I have a clear view to see where any water is coming from, I’m “cautiously optimistic” we can find the issue and fix it… least for now.
I started working on the leak issue by 8:30am. Our tentative plan was for me to work on finding the leak for a couple hours, while Nancy finalized a couple reservation changes (our 2019 travel plans are shown under” Itinerary” on upper right of our home page). After that, we planned to get ready and go back to Halifax. But my work dragged on past two hours, and Nancy was still working on campground changes (when she wasn’t helping me!). Also, as the morning went on, Nancy started to feel a little sick again, and I tweeked my shoulder while I was crawling around under Alice. So we agreed it would be best to stay here today, and go back to the Halifax waterfront tomorrow (hopefully). With a little rest and some Motrin, I’ll be fine by tomorrow…..I hope Nancy is too.
We did have a little excitement later in the afternoon. Nancy took Frisco for a walk and saw a guy pull in with the most ultimate Fifth Wheel rig you can imagine….it is incredible! Even Frisco was speechless!
And I thought we had a “big rig”! This rig is unreal…..a DRV Elite Suites, and a full size tractor trailer with a hydraulic platform for loading and unloading a matching jeep! Wow……I am going to try and stop by to chat with him if I see him outside. I’d love to hear the story behind this setup….
I sure hope Nancy is not coming down with some kind of cold or flu. All for now…