First Day on “The Fu”

March 2, 2019

Important Note- remember, the pictures will look much better if you look at our blog posts via the website and not in an email. Go to

Day 1 – First, we were very fortunate to be paired up with a fantastic group of people for this adventure. Besides Nancy and I, the trip included Ralph (retired Electrical Engineer) and his son Lou (pharmaceutical consultant), as well as Bobby and Finn, two soon-to-be college graduates.  They each individually added so much to the overall fun we had on this trip.

Our hosts were a very hospitable and skilled group of Earth River guides – Tyler, (the lead raft guide, aka the”Big Cheese”), Cade (cataraft/kayak safety support), Umberto (cataraft and kayak safety support), and Emily (land based logistics including most food preparation). Thankfully, the guides could all speak English and Spanish…..we found that very few people locally could speak any English.

After a great breakfast at the Gringa B&B, we headed out for our first day on the mighty “Fu”. The guide gave us a briefing on the day’s activity, got us situated in the raft, and had us practice our synchronized paddling skills. Then we headed toward the first rapid of the day called “Entrada” (“entrance”).  Everybody was a little nervous when we discovered the first rapid was a Class 4!  We all did fine, but I can assure you it got our attention and served as a great preview of what we would experience the rest of the week on the powerful Futaleufú River.  We rafted through a series of mostly Class 4 rapids, including Murdoch, Wine, and Tiburon,  before we packed up the raft and headed to  another nearby river, the Rio Espolon.  After lunch, everyone had the option to paddle a stretch of Class 1-3 whitewater in the raft, or use an individual inflatable kayak. Everyone decided to take a kayak and I’m happy to report all completed the run without falling out  When we reached the take-out spot, everyone but me hiked up a hill to the stunning Uman Lodge.  Since I didn’t want to strain my recent ankle injury(seriously!), I rode in a truck with the equipment. Glad I did…..the others said the walk up the hill was brutal…..really more like a climb up the hill!

The 5 star quality Uman Lodge and Spa is probably the most spectacular lodge in all of Patagonia. It is part of the larger working Uman Ranch. We only stayed 1 night and I can understand why….in-seasons rates are approx. $USD 4800 per week. Eric from Earth River must have negotiated a hechuva deal!  Staying there fo r a night was really a treat.

What I will remember most from Day 1 was seeing the clarity and color of the water. And the overall environment just seemed so pure and clean……so pristine…….so amazing….

Here are some pictures from Day 1 on the rivers. BTW, we got some great GoPro video during the trip….. but it will take me a while to edit and find the best way to share.

The Gringa B&B where we stayed the first night

The Uman Lodge is a very special place. I’m not sure we have ever stayed in a place with such a “postcard worthy” view. The 30 ft high windows across the entire front of the lobby and dining areas provides for a stunning view of the Futaleufu River and surrounding area.

A great end to a fabulous meal!

What a great Day 1!

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