10/24/2018 – Pensacola
Today I played golf again with the guy I met at the course on Tuesday (Derrick) and one other guy that joined us. We started at 9:30 and by the time we got to the back nine, the Blue Angels started their practice session. Playing golf with Blue Angels performing g overhead and pretty awesome….I was so awed by it all that it actually was difficult to concentrate on golf (and my score on the back nine reflected it!). It was a beautiful sunny day and the Blue Angel maneuvers for the crowd at the flight line took them right over the golf course and the beach. It was also a loud impressive sound. Talking about something that will also disrupt your back swing! They practiced/performed for about 45 minutes so we saw them quite a lot. Several times they flew fairly low right over the course….it was spectacular (and very loud)! The paint job on the Blue Angel jets is really striking….blue with yellow accents. Standing there on the golf course watching them fly over really makes you proud to be from the USA!
Nancy stayed home while I played golf this time so she watched the Blue Angels from the beach and got some more great video….she also went for a bike ride around base and went paddle boarding at the marina. We went to the beach for the sunset and then came home and grilled steaks and had a great meal.
We are totally enjoying our time staying at the Naval Air Station – Pensacola.
Nancy’s view from the beach
Short video
View from golf course
Hi Nancy and Rick, those are some great pictures. Have you taken Frisco on the paddle board. Rick I spoke with Les on Sunday he said he was going to go,to muffin shop but has not stopped in yet