10/14/2018 – drove from Carlsbad Caverns to Abilene, TX
Today we decided to headed about 300 miles east to Abilene, TX, to stay for the night. Got on the road at about 9:30 and arrived at the Solid Rock RV Resort (southeast of Ft.Worth) at about 4pm. We had some rain so it made the drive a little more tiring than normal.
Unfortunately, we had a problem pulling into our site. This area has been hammered with heavy rain for the last couple days and a lot of areas are flooding. The site we pulled into looked firm but as we pulled to the far edge to pull in, the right side tires sunk pretty far down in the ground. When I stopped and tried to back out, we sunk a little further and even with 4 wheel drive, I couldn’t get the truck to move forward or backward. I was not a happy camper! The owner that took us to our site saw what had happened, so he went to get some wood pieces to put under the tires. That did the job. Then I got us in position and worked outside in a steady drizzle to get us all hooked up. It was a tough afternoon until we finally got setup, got dry and warm…..then we had a great dinner, and watched some football and a couple TV shows.
All the rain we missed all summer is coming down in 2-3 days in Texas!