Farmers market, “modernized” hot springs, and a weird house

Went to the Invermere farmers/artisan market today and picked up some vegetables, meats and jellies. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out to go fishing. You really need a guide to access the best water and I was too late trying arrange one. With a registered guide, you can fish in “classified” rivers and streams. These are places that only BC residents can go unless you are with a guide service that has the required permit. I hope we get to come back sometime in the future just to fish. If not sooner,  I’ll have great opportunities for fly fishing in Yellowstone in a couple weeks…..I already know where to fish and I don’t need a guide.

Tonite, after a great “surf and turf” dinner (grilled cod, filet, and cucumber/tomato salad), we worked it off  hiking up to Sinclair Falls.

We also visited the Radium Hot Springs hot springs and frankly, it was a little disappointing. They actually funnel the water into two large swimming pools…one hot and one that is allowed to cool. I expect they have to add chlorine to keep it clean. I’ve been in a natural hot spring in the woods in Idaho and it was much different experience than this. We did not have any interest to go in. First two pics are the road into Banff NP and the hot springs.

We also saw a very weird house… fact, according to the sign, it has been on TV.

We got everything packed up and ready to go since we will be leaving for Columbia Falls (Glacier NP) in the morning. It’s about a 5 hour drive and we want to get in early since Nancy’s son Phil is flying into Kalispell Sunday night for a 4 day visit.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Canada but we’ll be glad to get back to the US where we have access to better services.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Marianne

    Nice to know that I’m not the only one who was underwhelmed by the hot springs there!

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