We decided to take the day off today and wait until Monday to go to the Lake Louise area. We went to the local library to do some “almost high speed” updates to our phones and other devices. The city of Canmore has a very nice facility that houses a library, and a recreation center with fitness equipment and an indoor pool and a few other social services functions.. I bet it gets a lot of use in the off season. We also picked up a few groceries and other supplies. Nancy went on another bike ride in late afternoon while I took a nap. Later, we took a bike ride on the same path along the river Nancy rode on earlier. It was amazingly beautiful….lots of folks on paddle boards, rafts and kayaks. We came back and had scallops for dinner and took Frisco back to the dog park so she run around and get some exercise.
Some people let us know that they were getting error messages when they attempted to leave a comment on a post. That issue should now be fixed. Also as I have gotten a little more proficient with the blogging software, and we have gotten access to better internet service, I have gone back and made some edits and added some pics to some of the previous posts.
A couple other observations after being here a couple weeks…..
1-It’s amazing how clean things are….people really pay attention to properly disposing of trash. You just don’t see litter on the roads, around town, etc. We have walked and biked along miles of rivers and streams and mountain trails and we just don’t see any litter……I mean none. I guess the whole area is so pristine that people feel an extra responsibility to protect it. Or maybe the scenery is just so beautiful everywhere you look that the beauty just overwhelms you and you don’t notice it (but I doubt it). Nancy worked for a street and parking lot sweeping company in Dayton, so she really notices trash and litter. She is amazed at how clean everything is.
When you go into a grocery, they expect that you will have a bag for your groceries in order to limit the disposal of plastic. They have bags available but most people bring their own. Everybody re-cycles and we have seen public recycling containers all around all four of the small Rocky Mountain cities we have visited so far – Cochrane, Jasper Canmore, and Banff. We expect it will be the same in Lake Louise and Radium Hot Springs. It’s really great to see such a commitment to protecting the environment.
2-My sense is that the only reason anybody here would carry a gun is if they are going hunting. I have not seen a single gun shop since we have been in Canada. I’m fine with our second amendment rights in the US but it’s refreshing to feel like nobody gives a hoot about guns unless it is a hunting rifle. Hand guns have lots of restrictions. It feels very safe here. Maybe it would be different feeling if you were in a major city….but that’s not where we are spending our time.
3-Nobody is in a hurry to do anything. It’s helpful for me. Since retiring this past January, I’m really trying to slow down and relax a little more. It’s hard to undo decades of working to “get ur done” as fast as possible……but I’m working on it.
4-In the small towns we have visited, people are very accommodating to bike riders. Most of the roads have marked bike lanes. When bikes approach intersections, cars yield. And bikers do their part by not dilly-dallying. Also, despite the heavy traffic in these heavy tourist areas, we have not seen a single car or bicycle accident.
5- the water is absolutely pristine- crystal clear and blue green at a little distance. Every river and stream looks like a perfect habitat for trout. Haven’t had a chance to go fly fishing yet, but we plan to go tomorrow evening at a lake near Lake Louise, and again on Tuesday and Wednesday (hopefully) before packing and moving to Radium Hot Springs on Thursday.
Pics today are from the bike ride, and taking Frisco for a walk. We saw lots of elk.
Click below to see short video
Rick, I have really enjoyed your pictures and adventure descriptions. Also Rick, I really like Frisco. I can tell by looking at him that he is a dog with good sense and, no doubt, is conservative in his thinking! Keep enjoying the adventure and be safe. Ithink mountain biking should be on your “been there, done that” list with no repeats.
You were in the library and not fishing??? Disconnect man! Do I need to come up there and take away your devices like I do my son?!?! 😉
Hi Nancy and Rick great pictures especially the elk I don’t think the paddle board would work for me maybe something with oars or the Queen Mary did u by my t shirt yet. Tim