Relaxing day and a great round of golf

We took it easy today but I did manage to get in a round of golf at a fantastic golf course……Glen Eagles CC in Cochrane. I played with a couple of retired accountants from Chevron…….the scenery was absolutely stunning. The green in the first pic is the course’s signature hole…….it is a 182 yard hole with about a 100 foot drop to the green. The folks I played with said to take off 45 yards to account for the elevation change. I hit a 8 iron into the left trap next to the green. Between the elevation of the tee and the natural trajectory of a 8 iron, any ball hit into the sand is likely to end up completely buried……the only reason you can find it is because of the round exploded area where it landed.  I decided not risk a shoulder separation  so I left my sand iron in the bag, picked up, and went to the next tee.

BTW, like most golfers, I took a second shot at it and did mange to hit the green….it’s always easier when it doesn’t count!

While I played golf, Nancy explored the local area via a bike path that ran along the Bow River. Later in the day, we enjoyed lunch at a local brewery. The evening was spent getting ready for our trip up to Jasper. We are really excited to walk on the glaciers and experience this very remote but popular part of Canada.