Calgary Stampede- Day 2

Another great day at the Stampede. Met and talked with a lot of nice people. We both agreed that if we wanted to move,  Calgary is a place we could definitely live. It’s such a clean, culturally diverse and modern city.  We saw virtually no litter anywhere. We used the city train system and it could not have been any cleaner or convenient. There were a lot of folks using it and believe it or not, as best we could tell, everything operated on the honor system. You buy your tickets at a kiosk and then board… attendants or turnstiles (not sure that would work in the US!)

We went to the Dog Show again and the tricks were amazing. We also watched the Monster Energy drink motocross show…..lots of aerial tricks. We had dinner at home and then enjoyed sitting around a fire and having a glass of wine with our next door neighbors. We’ll be posting some great video’s as soon as we get better internet service.




This Post Has One Comment

  1. Larry Knight

    Awesome guys. Much better than here. Keep seeing this great country.

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